I was listening to the radio yesterday on my way to work and heard this gem:
"tipping 15% is no longer considered acceptable; 20% or more is expected".
I was only slightly annoyed at this and continued listening to the foolery when I heard:
"It is considered appropriate to tip a Barista (at Starbucks for example) at least a dollar if they make your coffee correctly".
Really?! This is where I got pissed off.
Now, get me right if I'm wrong but it is the Barista's JOB to get my order right. That is what they get paid for. So what you are telling me is that I should reward people for doing what they are supposed to do? I think not. Do you get rewarded for dragging your butt out of bed everyday, going to work and taking care of your children/pets/business? No. Why? Because that is what the hell you are supposed to do. It's called life people. Your employer (not me) pays your wages and if you get a tip it is because you provided exemplary service. Expecting a person to give you extra money just because you showed up is presumptuous and in my opinion, a big part of the reason that these youngsters think that they don't have to work for anything.
I will continue to tip based on the level of service I receive and I WISH some ungrateful so and so would look at me sideways. Trouble.
Your turn. What pisses you off?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Oh. No. He. Di'int! Customer Service Nightmare
*Deep breath*
Okay, I spent the last week TDY (temporary duty for the non military folk) in Aberdeen, MD. Aberdeen is a little further north than B-more but not quite Delaware. It was a strange limbo of a city...The most exciting thing I found was Target.
Anywho, I digress.
After several boring nights of feeding my face way too much and going to bed way too early I decided to treat myself to a manicure. Enter Model Nails. Model nails was a regular looking nail joint...nothing spectacular. I walked in and asked a very uninterested looking gentleman if they offer "shellac" services. He says that they do and tells me to pick a color. Let me pause the story here to mention that during this exchange, the man in question was engrossed in something on his laptop.
Mr. Man gets a bowl of warm water and begins to take off my nail polish... while simultaneously adjusting the volume and screen position of his laptop. Clearly he's going to log off/close the laptop or otherwise focus on the task at hand. Right? Not so much. We got as far as him buffing about four fingers when annoyed grew to pissed of. This dude did not stop using his laptop while servicing me; more than that he took frequent pauses to go to different web pages and adjust the volume. Seriously?! Youtube is not going anywhere dude but my money sure enough is...right out the door. I politely asked how much it would be for the piss poor service he did render, tossed him a five and informed him that I was giving him the time he clearly needed to jack around on his computer which was obviously more important than the $35 he stood to make. What I really wanted to say was "are you f*cking kidding me bruh?" but in addition to being un-ladylike, my jargon would probably have been lost upon him.
I did end up getting a lovely manicure at a different salon so all was not lost;They even directed me to some ridiculously yummy crab cakes... Double score!
Your turn. What pisses you off?
Okay, I spent the last week TDY (temporary duty for the non military folk) in Aberdeen, MD. Aberdeen is a little further north than B-more but not quite Delaware. It was a strange limbo of a city...The most exciting thing I found was Target.
Anywho, I digress.
After several boring nights of feeding my face way too much and going to bed way too early I decided to treat myself to a manicure. Enter Model Nails. Model nails was a regular looking nail joint...nothing spectacular. I walked in and asked a very uninterested looking gentleman if they offer "shellac" services. He says that they do and tells me to pick a color. Let me pause the story here to mention that during this exchange, the man in question was engrossed in something on his laptop.
Mr. Man gets a bowl of warm water and begins to take off my nail polish... while simultaneously adjusting the volume and screen position of his laptop. Clearly he's going to log off/close the laptop or otherwise focus on the task at hand. Right? Not so much. We got as far as him buffing about four fingers when annoyed grew to pissed of. This dude did not stop using his laptop while servicing me; more than that he took frequent pauses to go to different web pages and adjust the volume. Seriously?! Youtube is not going anywhere dude but my money sure enough is...right out the door. I politely asked how much it would be for the piss poor service he did render, tossed him a five and informed him that I was giving him the time he clearly needed to jack around on his computer which was obviously more important than the $35 he stood to make. What I really wanted to say was "are you f*cking kidding me bruh?" but in addition to being un-ladylike, my jargon would probably have been lost upon him.
I did end up getting a lovely manicure at a different salon so all was not lost;They even directed me to some ridiculously yummy crab cakes... Double score!
Your turn. What pisses you off?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Things That Piss Me Off: Respond Dammit!
Okay, We have already established that I don't like rudeness. It just irks me when I extend a courtesy to someone and it isn't reciprocated. So here's what pissed me off:
About two moths ago I sent an e-mail to a couple of ladies who held a big natural hair event. I wanted to pick their brain and get some tips on planning a similar event in the DMV area. Long story short, neither of these heffas has responded to my e-mail. Really? Are you THAT busy that you cannot even be bothered to reply to the likes of me? You're smelling yourself that much?
Now, don't get it twisted, I can definitely pull it off without their help but c'mon man... A simple "We can't help you" or "Be gone witch" would have been appreciated. Rude.
Grrrr... That just... Pisses me off. That's all.
Your turn. What pisses you off?
About two moths ago I sent an e-mail to a couple of ladies who held a big natural hair event. I wanted to pick their brain and get some tips on planning a similar event in the DMV area. Long story short, neither of these heffas has responded to my e-mail. Really? Are you THAT busy that you cannot even be bothered to reply to the likes of me? You're smelling yourself that much?
Now, don't get it twisted, I can definitely pull it off without their help but c'mon man... A simple "We can't help you" or "Be gone witch" would have been appreciated. Rude.
Grrrr... That just... Pisses me off. That's all.
Your turn. What pisses you off?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Things That Piss Me Off: Poor Customer Service
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Yummy Sandwich... |
Here's what pissed me off: I walk into the restaurant (which has an eat-in area as well as to go) and stand at the to-go counter. A full five minutes passes before I am acknowledged. Notice I said "acknowledged" and not "seen". At least three restaurant employees saw me during this five minutes and none of them even offered a "someone will be with you shortly" or "go get your lunch somewhere else you greedy cow"... Nothing. No me gusta. It wasn't the waiting that pissed me off, I have been known to wait eons for some yummy eats. The thing that pissed me off was the fact that all of these people saw me waiting there and didn't even ask if I had been helped. Luckily, the woman who (finally) helped me was rather nice and softened my rage a bit... Not before I decided to write a letter to their corporate offices though. That'll show 'em. Maybe I'll get my next yummy sandwich for free :-)
Your turn. What pisses you off?
Things That Piss Me Off: The Internet is NOT for Everything
Loose lips sink ships...
We live in a time where everyone has some sort of social networking account. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like. In addition, access to e-mail and text messages have made many people lazy and tactless.
Here's what pisses me off:
1. It is not appropriate to have a Facebook argument with your Spouse or boy/girlfriend where you hint at who/what you're talking about so that other people don't catch on (doesn't work) then change your status to single and announce to the world that you are ready to mingle only to reconcile and change your status back to married/in a relationship less than 24 hours later. ---->Grow up.
2. Kids, your parents may be older but not all of them are out of touch. Posting pictures of yourself with a drink in your hand, a cigarette in your mouth or your tongue down someones throat is probably not the best idea. Did you forget that dear ole dad is one of your 2,700 friends? You should also not mention that tattoo you didn't want mom and dad to find out about. ---->Stupid. Get a clue.
3. Only PUNKS have arguments via text. If you have something to say to someone, get on your grown man/woman and talk to them. You can speak to them over the phone or face to face (depending on the situation). Text/Facebook/Twitter wars are for scaredy cats who can't handle confrontation. Not only that, it puts all your business "on the street" and makes you look real dumb. ----> See #1
4. I understand that technology has made it convenient to send event invitations to your 150 million closest friends via the internet. I have used them myself... in certain circumstances. For certain events however, an actual paper correspondence is proper. Facebook invite for Baby's Christening? Tacky. Text message invite for a birthday party happening tomorrow? No thank you. Funeral invitation posted to your wall? Ill. Some things just aren't meant for the internet. ----> Use common sense and if you don't have common sense, you are a danger to yourself and others. Seriously.
Your turn. What Pisses you off?
We live in a time where everyone has some sort of social networking account. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like. In addition, access to e-mail and text messages have made many people lazy and tactless.
Here's what pisses me off:
1. It is not appropriate to have a Facebook argument with your Spouse or boy/girlfriend where you hint at who/what you're talking about so that other people don't catch on (doesn't work) then change your status to single and announce to the world that you are ready to mingle only to reconcile and change your status back to married/in a relationship less than 24 hours later. ---->Grow up.
2. Kids, your parents may be older but not all of them are out of touch. Posting pictures of yourself with a drink in your hand, a cigarette in your mouth or your tongue down someones throat is probably not the best idea. Did you forget that dear ole dad is one of your 2,700 friends? You should also not mention that tattoo you didn't want mom and dad to find out about. ---->Stupid. Get a clue.
3. Only PUNKS have arguments via text. If you have something to say to someone, get on your grown man/woman and talk to them. You can speak to them over the phone or face to face (depending on the situation). Text/Facebook/Twitter wars are for scaredy cats who can't handle confrontation. Not only that, it puts all your business "on the street" and makes you look real dumb. ----> See #1
4. I understand that technology has made it convenient to send event invitations to your 150 million closest friends via the internet. I have used them myself... in certain circumstances. For certain events however, an actual paper correspondence is proper. Facebook invite for Baby's Christening? Tacky. Text message invite for a birthday party happening tomorrow? No thank you. Funeral invitation posted to your wall? Ill. Some things just aren't meant for the internet. ----> Use common sense and if you don't have common sense, you are a danger to yourself and others. Seriously.
Your turn. What Pisses you off?
Things That Piss Me Off: Bad Grammar Edition #2
*long sigh*...
Ugh. I wish I didn't have to keep bringing it up because it physically hurts my insides. Even when I typed this faux-word, my highly intelligent computer system alerted me with bright red squiggly lines that this is a mistake. I know computer, I'm sorry.
Thanks to the likes of the Notorious B.I.G, Beyonce and countless others who have used (and continue to use) this anti-word in their music, there are people in this world who actually believe it to be a real word. The correct word for "having a conversation" is Converse. No, not the sneakers.
Among the myriad other things that are for entertainment only and do not translate well in real life (no, it is not okay to dress like Nicki Minaj...not even for Nicki Minaj) certain words, or in this case faux-words, should not be attempted in real life. You sound stupid when you use them and people like me will look at you with glazed over eyes and mouth agape (and will probably want to slap you).
Stop the madness.
By the way, if any of the words used in this post were lost upon you, take my Mommy's advice and LOOK. IT. UP.
Your turn. What Pisses you off?
Ugh. I wish I didn't have to keep bringing it up because it physically hurts my insides. Even when I typed this faux-word, my highly intelligent computer system alerted me with bright red squiggly lines that this is a mistake. I know computer, I'm sorry.
Thanks to the likes of the Notorious B.I.G, Beyonce and countless others who have used (and continue to use) this anti-word in their music, there are people in this world who actually believe it to be a real word. The correct word for "having a conversation" is Converse. No, not the sneakers.
Among the myriad other things that are for entertainment only and do not translate well in real life (no, it is not okay to dress like Nicki Minaj...not even for Nicki Minaj) certain words, or in this case faux-words, should not be attempted in real life. You sound stupid when you use them and people like me will look at you with glazed over eyes and mouth agape (and will probably want to slap you).
Stop the madness.
By the way, if any of the words used in this post were lost upon you, take my Mommy's advice and LOOK. IT. UP.
Your turn. What Pisses you off?
Things That Piss Me Off: Bad Grammar Edition
Let me begin with this: I do not know everything there is to know about grammar. I am not an expert nor do I claim to be. I will occasionally use bad grammar in my posts...rest assured that is solely for effect. I like to believe that I have a firm grasp on the English language. With that said, here's what pisses me off:
Through the years I have had several jobs that have required me to read statements that others have written. Things like incident reports or statements of injury: accounts of an event interpreted by the person writing the statement. You know, an "in your own words" type of thing. Based on these statements alone, I could probably write a book, but I will start with this. There. Their. They're. All pronounced the same... All different.
There - in or at that place <stand over there> —often used interjectionally
Their - of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action <their furniture>
They're - they are
Seriously... All different words. Ignorance is a disease people! Get immunized.
Your turn. What pissed you off today?
Through the years I have had several jobs that have required me to read statements that others have written. Things like incident reports or statements of injury: accounts of an event interpreted by the person writing the statement. You know, an "in your own words" type of thing. Based on these statements alone, I could probably write a book, but I will start with this. There. Their. They're. All pronounced the same... All different.
There - in or at that place <stand over there> —often used interjectionally
Their - of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors, agents, or objects of an action <their furniture>
They're - they are
Seriously... All different words. Ignorance is a disease people! Get immunized.
Your turn. What pissed you off today?
Things That Piss Me Off #1: When I say good morning, you need to speak!
Okay, I am not a morning person. There used to be a time when I was downright evil before noon and heaven forbid if you were the unfortunate soul that woke me. These days though, I do much better (with the help of coffee). I will no longer lash out at a simple good morning or threaten bodily harm to those perky people who wake up in a good mood (but really, why are you so dang perky?). I would venture to say that I am almost...pleasant. Here's what pisses me off: I walk into my office building and see Becky-Sue walking in my direction. I have good manners, so I look Becky-Sue in the eye and offer a pleasant "hello"... Becky-Sue's stankin' behind looks down at the floor and keeps on walking. What the? Oh no she di'int. Now, if I go all Bon Qui Qui on Becky I would be wrong. Right? So I mumble to myself and make a mental note not to waste my precious breath on that heffa again.
Moral of the story: If someone (especially me) speaks to you, the polite thing to do is acknowledge and reply. Ignore me and I. Will. Cut. You. SMH... Rude.
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Rude! |
Moral of the story: If someone (especially me) speaks to you, the polite thing to do is acknowledge and reply. Ignore me and I. Will. Cut. You. SMH... Rude.
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